2015 yılında Ostim OSB' de kurulmuştur. Meteksan, Tübitak Sage, Roketsan, Vestel Savunma, Savronik gibi savunma sanayide öncü firmaların alt yüklenicisi olarak talaşlı imalat sektöründe çalışmaktadır. Messav Savunma Sanayi



Messav Savunma as firms serve many companies in the manufacturing sector also it offers solutions to specific product demands.

Metsav keep the customer satisfaction in the foreground, Defense, has accelerated the work for this purpose, the necessary technological infrastructure and the level of education of high quality qualified staff formed the base. Messav for success in the defense production; believe in the necessity of technology, it uses the means of production with the latest technology for this purpose.