2015 yılında Ostim OSB' de kurulmuştur. Meteksan, Tübitak Sage, Roketsan, Vestel Savunma, Savronik gibi savunma sanayide öncü firmaların alt yüklenicisi olarak talaşlı imalat sektöründe çalışmaktadır.
Messav Savunma Sanayi
2018 GOALS
Producing high quality products in the most economical way by using the latest technologies,
Making the best use of time and doing quality and more work in less time,
To ensure the development, employment and motivation of human resources,
To be a continuously developing and living organization serving the expectations of shareholders, society, employees and suppliers,
Delivering orders on time,
To increase the customer portfolio by 10% without compromising our quality
Increase profitability by 10%
Providing 12 hours of training to the personnel in order to increase and maintain the quality of service we provide,
Keeping over 90% of customer satisfaction
To complete our institutionalization process in 1 year
To be included in the supplier list of more than 10% of Defense Industry companies
To ensure that no occupational accidents occur by taking all necessary precautions in our company (0 occupational accidents)
© Messav Savunma Sanayi 2019. All Rights Reserved.