2015 yılında Ostim OSB' de kurulmuştur. Meteksan, Tübitak Sage, Roketsan, Vestel Savunma, Savronik gibi savunma sanayide öncü firmaların alt yüklenicisi olarak talaşlı imalat sektöründe çalışmaktadır.
Ensuring the Occupational Health and Safety of our employees, our sensitivity to the environment enables us to prioritize the concepts of quality and health and formulate our policies accordingly. To this end, the main principle of our company is to raise the level of knowledge and welfare of our employees, to comply with, apply, make effective and continuously improve the Quality Management System, Occupational Health and Safety conditions and legal conditions.
For this purpose, our company follows the technological developments and legal regulations closely with its expert staff in order to meet the increasing and changing customer demands, to increase the service quality and to provide customer satisfaction.
Our activities; continuous improvement and development is the basic principles of our company and by giving importance to education is committed to making the development of the quality system continuous.