2015 yılında Ostim OSB' de kurulmuştur. Meteksan, Tübitak Sage, Roketsan, Vestel Savunma, Savronik gibi savunma sanayide öncü firmaların alt yüklenicisi olarak talaşlı imalat sektöründe çalışmaktadır. Messav Savunma Sanayi

Mission and Vision


Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Our mission is to act as an exemplary company with its reliability and stability by acting with social responsibility and honest trade understanding. With our commercial understanding, reliability and customer-oriented working principles, our most important goals are to create sustainable and lasting relationships with our customers and suppliers based on knowledge, experience and understanding.

Our vision

Our vision is to be a global company that contributes to the national economy by creating social and economic values ​​and is a strong, innovative, quality and improvement oriented company in the DEFENSE AND MECHANIC MANUFACTURING sector.