2015 yılında Ostim OSB' de kurulmuştur. Meteksan, Tübitak Sage, Roketsan, Vestel Savunma, Savronik gibi savunma sanayide öncü firmaların alt yüklenicisi olarak talaşlı imalat sektöründe çalışmaktadır. Messav Savunma Sanayi

Company Policy


MESSAV SAVUNMA as a customer-oriented, highly competitive, open to continuous improvement, we are committed to achieve world-class quality and reliable products. The present financial and technological resources, safe way to meet our customers requirements and expectations, and are used as the basis to provide appropriate quality services. Company employees staff starting with the awareness that mans most important resource in the provision of quality, to be always and most preferred, planned and scheduled work is our policy to provide the best service quality.